Programs for Inmates

(Note: If your refuse class twice, you will be removed from the class.)
HIV-AIDS Awareness MUST be completed before you enroll in any class. Once this is completed send a separate request for the programs you wish to participate in.
24:7 Dad/Investing In You:
(9 weeks) Fathers will focus on Self-Awareness, Caring for Self, Parenting Skills, Fathering Skills and Relationship Skills while discussing what makes a man and what makes a father. Investing in You is a comprehensive program that delves into the challenges formerly-incarcerated fathers face when searching for employment and reentering family life post-release. The focus in this workshop is on helping the participant understand and get past the barriers they will face in finding employment, tips and strategies for applying and interviewing for jobs, budgeting, realistic expectations post-release, and reentering the family life. (Good Time Credit)
Advanced Typing:
(5 Weeks) Inmates will use skills learned in Typewriting to become acquainted with Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, Excel, and Publisher.
Alcoholics Anonymous:
(8 weeks) Offenders learn to recognize the disease and how to live and function responsibly with their addiction. (Good Time Credit)
Anger Management:
(8 Weeks) Offenders learn how to control anger in a charged atmosphere through setting boundaries, relaxing, and channeling anger into an acceptable response. (Good Time Credit)
Building Bridges with Books:
(1.5 Hour Session) An audio recording is made of a parent reading to their children (ages preschool through second grade). This compact disc (CD) is mailed to the family.
Brick Masonry:
(8 Weeks) The class is designed to provide enough skill and knowledge to qualify participants for an entry level brick masonry job. Materials covered include basic masonry terminology, common masonry units, brick bonds, paving patterns, chimney and fireplace construction, and types of cement and mortar.
Christians Against Substance Abuse:
(10 Weeks) The program’s goal, without proselytizing (trying to convert somebody to a religious faith), is to produce positive lifestyle changes needed to live drug free. (Good Time Credit)
Community Crossroads:
The goals of this program are to provide a stable living environment upon release and reduce recidivism while continuing treatment for substance abuse. Only participants or graduates of MRT, Crossroads or other approved therapeutic community programs are eligible for this program. While you are incarcerated you will receive individual and/or group counseling services provided by a licensed clinical service provider.
(22 Weeks) A three-phase substance abuse program designed to create a therapeutic approach using an evidence based curriculum. (Good Time Credit)
Disabled Incarcerated Veterans Program:
(1 Hour Session) A once a month informational session that will help aid and
inform Veteran Service members (SM) of their benefits and rights to benefits while incarcerated. (Military Veterans Only)
DMV Connect:
Preparing for release? Get your Virginia identification card before you go. Identification is necessary to secure jobs, open bank accounts, enter public buildings, and apply for benefits. You need to provide birth certificate. When requesting an ID application please indicate if you will need to order your birth certificate. DMV comes on the 1st Wednesday of every even month.
Each One Teach One:
(5 Weeks) The mission of the Each One Teach One empowerment program is to provide education and support to women and men who are in a disadvantaged position due to social or economic circumstances. Our goal is to create a spiritual, social, mental, and emotional awakening in each person.
(8 Weeks) Spiritually based parenting skills are taught in an effort to produce healthy family relationships. (Good Time Credit)
Financial Management:
(4 Weeks) Students are taught about their personal finances. They are shown how to budget their income, how to deal with debt and spending, and how to build wealth through investments. (Good Time Credit)
General Educational Development (GED) courses are offered by Newport News Public Schools Adult & Continuing Education within the jail. GED certification is widely recognized as the equivalent to a high school diploma (Good Time Credit only if test is passed).
HIV/AIDS Awareness:
(3 Hour Session) Offenders learn the facts about AIDS, HIV and other sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) and how to prevent their spread. Only upon completion, can an inmate enter other courses offered at the Newport News City Jail. This is a MANDATORY CLASS and is to be taken every 2 years.
Islamic Faith:
(5 weeks) An Islamic faith based class that provides spiritual guidance through the Quran and Tajweed.
Life Skills:
(8 weeks) Students will learn ways to budget wisely, resolve issues, properly communicate and set and achieve goals. (Good Time Credit)
Medication Assisted Treatment (MAT):
The purpose of the Newport News Medication–Assisted Treatment (MAT) program is to provide the added support that may be needed for those who have the desire to maintain recovery against opioids and alcohol with medication and wrap around services
Moral Reconation Therapy (MRT):
(12-Step Program) A cognitive-behavioral counseling program that combines education, group and individual counseling, and structured exercises designed to foster moral development.
Narcotics Anonymous:
(8 Weeks) Students learn to recognize the disease and how to live responsibly without chemical dependency. The group atmosphere provides help from peers and offers an ongoing support network. (Good Time Credit)
National External Diploma Program:
(8 Months) Use the skills you have gained from life and work experience to demonstrate your reading, writing, and math high school level skills. This web-based program for adults allows you to work through online activities and with an advisor to help you complete the program to achieve HS Diploma.
Restoration In God’s Word:
(6 Weeks) To restore a deeper understanding of the Written and Spoken Word of God, in hopes of establishing applicable applications to walk in and live holistically in The Spirit of God.
Re-Entry Post Release/ Probation & Parole Informational Session:
(1.5 Hour Session) Returning citizens will be introduced to all the re-entry components and ways to transition back into the community and to inform clients that will be placed on probation/parole what the supervision expectations and guidelines are.
(6 Weeks) Share Network Access Points (SNAP) in the Newport News City Jail Annex is a one-stop career lab where trained staff will assess and provide students with an array of services to include: resume workshops, cover letters, mock interviews, and financial management. Must be computer savvy (Good Time Credit)
(6 Weeks) Norfolk-based Step-Up, Inc. offers offenders job development and job placement assistance. This nonprofit agency stresses client follow-up. Clients also receive help in locating other services needed to re-enter the career world as successfully as possible. Those services include housing, transportation, food and clothing (Good Time Credit).
Substance Abuse and Addiction Recovery Alliance (SAARA):
(6 Weeks) The SAARA of the Peninsula Peer Led Recovery Focused Group is a six week class facilitated by a trained Peer Recovery Specialist (PRS). A PRS is a self-identified individual with lived experience with mental health and/or substance use disorder who is in successful and ongoing recovery from mental health and/or substance use disorders. This class will allow participants to develop a wellness plan to identify what helps to maintain wellness, identification of triggers, early warning signs of decreased wellness and provide an action plan to combat each. In addition this course will introduce problem solving skills, addressing fears, combating negative self-talk, and creating recovery goals.
(7 Weeks) Inmates will become competent in typing on a computer at a reasonable speed and learn computer basics. (Good Time Credit).
VASAVOR (Virginia Serious And Violent Offender Re-entry Initiative):
Participants are chosen by the Virginia Department of Corrections and are required to take part in this re-entry program. Services include education, vocational training, employment training; and when applicable residential, mental health, substance abuse treatment, and sex offender services. This is a pilot program available only in Newport News, Fairfax, and Richmond. This is NOT FOR VOLUNTARY ENROLLMENT.
Veteran Resume Workshop:
(3 Hour Session) Virginia Employment Commission veteran representative is present to answer any questions concerning job opportunities for Veterans, and will be the primary point of contact for employment when the inmate is released. A resume is produced which can be used as a starting point for the Newport News Sheriff’s Office post-release re-entry program. This class is co-facilitated by an NNSO re-entry specialist.
Veteran Services:
(1 Hour Session) A peer support specialist presents information to Veterans to inform them about the Veteran Affairs Health Care Services and to enable them to receive prompt and appropriate care upon re-entering the community after incarceration.
Virginia CARES:
(1 Hour Session) Participants will be briefed on the available re-entry resources and assistance that Virginia Cares offers.