Jail Information

The Newport News Sheriff’s Office (NNSO) operates two jail facilities within Newport News. The larger of the two is the Public Safety Building, better known as the City Jail, and the minimum security facility called the Jail Annex.
Today, jails in Virginia range in size from a few dozen inmates to more than a thousand inmates. Running these facilities is a complex yet organized and efficient operation. Regardless of the facility’s size, having a friend, family member or loved one in a jail environment can create confusion and uncertainty, both for you and the inmate. This is especially true for the first time, when the rules may not be familiar to you.
To guide you, we have developed a Jail Information page to help explain the numerous day-to-day functions, services and activities. If this is your first time visiting or if it's been a while, we encourage you to review the various topics to better understand jail operations, rules for inmates and for the general public visiting these facilities.
In most cases, your questions about mail, visitation, phone calls and more can be answered by visiting these pages.