Public Information Office

The Public Information Officer (PIO) is the liaison between the Newport News Sheriff’s Office (NNSO) and the public. The media is a significant source of relaying information to the public. Therefore, the NNSO has consistent, open and honest communications with media outlets.
The PIO helps build trustworthiness in the Sheriff’s Office by being forthright with information. The NNSO respects the public’s right to know about their local governmental organizations and is eager to share stories about the daily functions of the NNSO.
The PIO responds to media and public inquiries and presents story ideas to reporters. The office helps to facilitate interviews and arrange photo and video opportunities that are essential to telling the story.
The PIO also handles Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests for the Newport News Sheriff’s Office only. Click here to review and/or download our Rights and Responsibilities for FOIA compliance.
NOTE: To make FOIA requests for any other agency in the city of Newport News, contact
The PIO is responsible for a variety of internal and external communications, including posting to social media outlets like The Sheriff’s Office Facebook page and its Instagram page, writing articles for industry magazines, producing content for the NNSO intranet, creating reports and other duties assigned by the sheriff.
The PIO works with the community relations officer to help empower the public with Project Lifesaver, senior safety, crime reduction strategies, gang resistance approaches, drug awareness, and more.
Another richly rewarding responsibility for the PIO is the event planning for the Promotion and Awards Ceremony held each December. This highly visible event helps build morale by publicly and ceremoniously congratulating sworn deputies and civilian employees on their successes.
The Sheriff’s Office PIO is Dorothy Wikan. She came to the NNSO in 2015 after more than 25 years in television news.
The PIO is available for routine media inquiries by calling 757-926-8209 (weekdays 7:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.) or by
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