Project Lifesaver
Individuals suffering from Alzheimer’s disease or a related dementia disorder and children living with Down syndrome, autism, traumatic brain injuries may wander from home.
All too often, we see on TV or read in the paper or on social media about a person who wandered away and wasn’t found in time. That’s the reason we’ve joined with Project Lifesaver International. We know it can make a difference in quickly locating loved ones and getting them home safe.
Project Lifesaver overview
Once enrolled in our program, participants wear a special wrist or ankle bracelet that’s equipped with a personalized transmitter that emits a silent tracking signal. If the client wanders from home, caregivers call the Sheriff’s Office Dispatch at 926-3984 or 911. That activates our Search & Rescue Team (SAR Team) to find the missing loved one.
The program gives caregivers and families peace of mind and assurance that all possible resources will be utilized to locate and return their loved one. Project Lifesaver has reduced search times from days or hours to minutes.
SAR team members receive special training in search and rescue techniques, the use of the electronic tracking equipment and crisis intervention techniques. This training enables our SAR team members to approach a person, communicate with them and gain his or her trust, leading to their safe return.
Who is eligible for Project Lifesaver?
Project Lifesaver is the single most important service within the City of Newport News to assist in finding a family member, loved one or patient who is accustomed or inclined to wander.
It’s designed specifically to monitor children and adults living with:
- Alzheimer’s
- Autism
- Down Syndrome
- Traumatic brain injury
1. Medical documentation to support the diagnosis is required and must be submitted with the enrollment documents.
2. The prospective client must be a resident of Newport News, must have a 24-hour caregiver and must be willing to wear the transmitter at all times.
How do we enroll in Project Lifesaver?
- Download the Project Lifesaver forms below:
- Complete all documents and mail them to:
Project Lifesaver
Newport News Sheriff’s Office
2501 Washington Ave.
Newport News, VA 23607
What is the cost?
Residents enrolled in Project Lifesaver pay no fees. Sheriff Gabe Morgan believes the true value of this program lies in the peace of mind and sense of security it gives families. Those assurances cannot be measured in dollars; therefore, Sheriff Morgan provides this life-saving program at NO cost, thanks to donations from the public and annual fundraising events.
This is a breakdown of the administrative cost per client per year:
Search and Rescue Team (SAR) Equipment:
- Receiver: $1,800 each
- Car & Hand Held Antennas: $264 each
- Headphones: $49 each
Client Equipment: (Initial Set-up: $325.20, Annual Cost: $33.20)
- Wristband Transmitter: One-time cost of $250 each
- Equipment Tester: One-time cost of $37 each
- Administrative Cost: One-time fee $5.00
- Waterproof Wristband: Annual cost of $21.00
- Wristband Transmitter Battery: Annual cost of $12.20
Enrolling outside of Newport News
If you live outside of the City of Newport News, contact your local law enforcement, fire, search and rescue to find out if Project Lifesaver is available. If not, ask them to bring the program to your area. The Newport News Sheriff’s Office is willing to assist any organization that wants to provide this program to their residents. Here are two great resources for getting started.
- To see if Project Lifesaver is in your area, click here for the Project Lifesaver Website.
- For public safety agencies seeking start-up funding, click here for the FAQs under Becoming a Member.
Supporters of Project Lifesaver
The Newport News Sheriff’s Office Project Lifesaver program is 100% funded through the generosity of private donations, grants, charitable foundations, and corporations. Project Lifesaver’s goal is to provide the benefits of this important program to those who need it, regardless of their ability to pay.
You can feel confident in donating to our Project Lifesaver program. All contributions are used solely for program operations including rescues, equipment, and education.
The Sheriff’s Office would like to publicly recognize and thank our supporters:
- Genesis Fiber Optic Splicing, Inc
- Anonymous Individuals
- Sheriff’s Office Foundation
- LINK of Hampton Roads
- Walmart
- Knights of Columbus Walter Pollard Council #5480
- In Memory of Elise J. Wyatt
- Mid Atlantic Towing
- Tommy Garner Air Conditioning & Heating
- Pepsi Cola Company
- American Legion Post #25
- American Legion Post #368
- Greater Hilton Kiwanis Club
- Hampton Roads Harley Davidson
- Newport News Moose Lodge #1119
- CBM Managed Services
- Pearson Toyota
How do I make a donation?
To find out how you, your organization or corporation can get involved in our sponsorship program, please call (757) 926-8585 or send us an e-mail.
Donations are tax deductible.
Please mail your contribution to the address listed below:
Project LifesaverNewport News Sheriff’s Office
2501 Washington Ave.
Newport News, VA 23607
Project Lifesaver Fundraisers
Car and Bike Show
The 2024 Car and Bike Show raised $2400.00 for our Project Lifesaver program.
We're planning for the 2025 show to be held sometime in September. When we firm up the date, we'll post it here.
10th Annual Escorted Charity Motorcycle Ride from Newport News Park
Ride with us from Newport News Park, Shelters 19 & 20, on October 27, 2024. Registration begins at 9 a.m., ride begins at 11 a.m. The 2023 event raised $4,210 for our Project Lifesaver program.